Georgia offers variety of investment opportunities for non-residents, and the government of the country motivates the world community to use a number of advantages, ranging from offers of actual deposit rates to the possibility of opening an account for citizens of other countries
The services of the banks of Georgia today are very popular. One of the big advantages for foreign residents is the possibility of opening a bank account in Georgia through a remote service. The services of the banks of Georgia are primarily attractive for privacy reasons. International agreements on the automatic exchange of tax information were not signed by Georgia, due to which, the banks of Georgia do not provide information about their clients to third countries
Georgia offers variety of investment opportunities for non-residents, and the government of the country motivates the world community to use a number of advantages, ranging from offers of actual deposit rates to the possibility of opening an account for citizens of other countries
The services of the banks of Georgia today are very popular. One of the big advantages for foreign residents is the possibility of opening a bank account in Georgia through a remote service. The services of the banks of Georgia are primarily attractive for privacy reasons. International agreements on the automatic exchange of tax information were not signed by Georgia, due to which, the banks of Georgia do not provide information about their clients to third countries
Why us?
- Long experience
- Cooperation with all leading banks of Georgia
- Opening an account using a remote service is carried out in two working days

The advantages of opening a personal account in the banks of Georgia:
- Current accounts in standard currencies USD / EUR / GEL / GBP, and in any other currency, at the request of a client
- Transfers are possible in any currency
- Receiving incoming amounts for various purposes, both for personal and business transactions
- Comfortable conditions of the Internet Bank, both desktop and mobile versions
- Personal banker services in both Russian and English languages
- VISA Platinum / Amex Gold plastic cards with the possibility of daily cash out anywhere in the world up to USD 15,000
- Low tariffs both for account maintenance and banking operations