In the process of carrying out activities, any legal organisation operating in the territory of Georgia often faces the need to resolve legal issues. Legal support of organisations is one of the main activities of the Wingforce Group.
We offer effective and reliable cooperation in the field of legal support for the activities of all companies engaged in business in Georgia. Under legal support is meant not only the provision of once-off services, aimed at solving one specific problem, but also offering subscription services to customers that are based on their specific needs and requests. Legal outsourcing is carried out by our specialists in accordance with international law, taking into account the specifics of an enterprise, whether it is a company registered in the FIZ, a standard Georgian company or a virtual zone enterprise, at the same time ensuring an individual approach to each client and guaranteeing strict confidentiality.
In the process of carrying out activities, any legal organisation operating in the territory of Georgia often faces the need to resolve legal issues. Legal support of organisations is one of the main activities of the Wingforce Group.
We offer effective and reliable cooperation in the field of legal support for the activities of all companies engaged in business in Georgia. Under legal support is meant not only the provision of once-off services, aimed at solving one specific problem, but also offering subscription services to customers that are based on their specific needs and requests. Legal outsourcing is carried out by our specialists in accordance with international law, taking into account the specifics of an enterprise, whether it is a company registered in the FIZ, a standard Georgian company or a virtual zone enterprise, at the same time ensuring an individual approach to each client and guaranteeing strict confidentiality.

- Providing legal consultations on all legal issues of the activities of an organisation
- Representation of interests and participation in negotiations with partners and other natural and legal entities
- Legal support of transactions
- Representation in state bodies
- Preparation of written legal opinions on the financial and economic activities of the company
- Verification and legal analysis of all legal documentation, including constituent documents of the company
- Registration of trademarks, logos, patents, copyrights, intellectual property and other attributes of business activities
- Legal assistance in the field of registration of licences, certificates, permits and title documents